Sunday, September 5, 2010

Workplace Conflict

Workplace Bullying
What is Bullying? Workplace bullying is when you are verbally, physically, socially or psychologically hurt by any person affilated with your workplaces, this consists of; employees, your employer and also contractors
What is the difference between having fun and Bullying? The difference between having fun and bullying is when an action or comment.has become offensive or insulting to the recipient, this can often be a fine line, so much care has to be taken to ensure that a simple joke would not be considered hurtful.

What are typical things that a person would do to bully someone? There are a myriad of various actions that could be considered quite hurtful, these could include roughhousing, hand gestures or even facial expressions. In addition, there are many comments that could be considered insulting, such as; racial slurs and inappropriate language.

What sort of person bullies? The usual profile of a bully is someone who feels the need to put down other people in order to make themselves feel better, this can usually be traced to underlining personal issues with confidence, self-esteem usually they are the victims of bulling themselves.

What should you do if you are the victim of Bullying? Victims of workplace bullying should turn to their employer as a first action, provided they aren't the source of the harassment. You can also report to WorkSafe and in violent cases the authorities.

How can Bullying affect you? There are many consequences of repeated bulling attacks, victims often find themselves feeling less productive, lacking confidence, feeling scared, anxious or depressed, often wanting to stay away from the workplace and even not trusting the employer to resolve the problem. Bullying can also affect life outside the workplace

What are your rights?.Everyone has the right to a safe workplace free from bullying and harassment, your employer should be providing this,. Any assault or violent action can  always be delt with by the police and prolonged verbal abuse can be resolved by the Australian Workplace Authority if your employer can't do so.

Sexual Harassment
What is Sexual Harassment? Sexual harassment in the workplace is any form of unwelcome sexual attention that is, or that you find, offensive, humiliating or intimidating that occurs anywhere within your workplace.

What is the difference between having fun and Sexual Harassment?

The difference is when a playful gesture or comment is considered offensive or intrusive, this consists of,  unwelcome touching, grabbing and other physical contact.

What are typical things that a person would do to Sexually Harass someone?
Again there are many various actions which commonly include; Unwelcome touching, comments that have sexual meanings, asking for sex or sexual favours, staring, sexual gestures or body movements, sexual jokes or comments, questions about your sex life.and even displaying rude and offensive material, e.g. calendars, cartoons.

What sort of person Sexually Harasses others? Usually someone with personal issues with confidence, self-esteem usually they are the victims of similar harassment themselves.

What should you do if you are the victim of Sexual Harassment?
Tell someone. Human Resource Manager, your employer, a supervisor/manager or health and safety representative
If the situation continues or is serious, you might need to make a formal (written) complaint that follows company policy. This could lead to counseling, mediation or eventually termination of employment of the bully.
If the person doing the bullying is your employer or they do not do anything to stop it, it's important you get outside support and advice.

How can Sexual Harassment affect you? There are many consequences of sexual harassment , victims often find themselves feeling less productive, lacking confidence, feeling scared, anxious or depressed, often wanting to stay away from the workplace and even not trusting the employer to resolve the problem. Serious repeated harassment can even lead to suicide

What are your rights?
Everyone has the right to work in an environment free from harassment, bullying discrimination and violence. Sexual harassment is illegal (under the Sex Discrimination Act 1984). All employers are obliged to provide a harassment-free workplace. Failing to provide this employers can be held legally responsible for acts of sexual harassment committed by their employees.

Cyber Bullying
What is Cyber Bullying?
"Cyberbullying" is when a child, preteen or teen is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or otherwise targeted by another child, preteen or teen using the Internet, interactive and digital technologies or mobile phones.

What is the difference between having fun and Cyber Bullying? As with normal bulling cases. When comment.has become offensive or insulting to the recipient, this can often be a fine line, so much care has to be taken to ensure that a simple joke would not be considered hurtful.

What are typical things that a person would do to Cyber Bully someone?
Teasing and being made fun of, Spreading of rumours online, Sending unwanted messages , Defamation.

What sort of person Cyber Bullies? As with a normal Bully, the usual profile of a bully is someone who feels the need to put down other people in order to make themselves feel better, this can usually be traced to underlining personal issues with confidence, self-esteem usually they are the victims of cyber bulling themselves.

What should you do if you are the victim of Cyber Bullying? With the progress of internet and email programs, many messages or items can be filtered or blocked to reduce contact with bullies, also a trip down to the IT department may be handy

How can Cyber Bullying affect you? There are many consequences of repeated cyber bulling attacks, victims often find themselves feeling less productive, lacking confidence, feeling scared, anxious or depressed, often wanting to stay away from the workplace and even not trusting the employer to resolve the problem. Bullying can also affect life outside the workplace

How big of an issue is Cyber Bullying? It's growing concern particually with younger people as there are more of a target for cyber bullying and as technology improves, more ways to bully via digital communication making it and easier task

What are your rights? You have the right to complain about the bully, your safety and welfare is a concern if threats have been made towards you. Don’t be afraid to seek advice.
If you are being bullied in your work environment, you have the right to make a formal (written) complaint that follows company policy. This could lead to couselling, mediation or eventually termination of employment of the bully.

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