Here are some points outlining the most common hazards found in an average workplace.
- Personal electronic devices
- Electrical
- Operator
- Chair
- Storage Systems and access to stored contents
- Obstructing walk ways
- Lighting
Electricity is a very dangerous element and kills and maims many people on the workplace very year, there are some simple instructions to avoid serious injury. Firstly ensure that power outlets are not overloaded or put in a situation where liquid spills are frequent, Secondly computer cabling is neatly positioned to avoid injury, and finally ensure before using any appliance that it is in good working order.
Fatigue from physically draining tasks or even mentally draining tasks that lack variety leave employees susceptible to a myriad of hazards, to combat this ensure that all allowed breaks are used, computer workstations are assessed to maximise comfort and variety is implemented into the daily tasks.
Seating Employees who spend a large amount of their working time seated are also at risk of muscular aches and pains, the seating position is very important to ensure employees are comfortable at their workplace and to reduce accidents from tired workers.
A very important point of consideration is storage systems within the workplace. This is the vital point of consideration as there is a great hazard associated with poorly stored chemicals and or equipment, this can easily become a fire or tripping/falling hazard. Ensure that all flammable materials are contained in a fire resistant cupboard and equipment is stored neatly.
In addition to this walkways and paths in or on the workplace also must be clean and clear to avoid accidents.
Lighting is also a major concern in the workplace, sufficient lighting must be available for the task at hand, lighting to bright, dark or creating a dazzling reflection will most likely lead to poor work outcomes and or an accident
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