Thursday, July 29, 2010

Internet Tutorial

This is a basic step by step introduction to accessing and using the Internet.

Firstly you must ensure that your computer is switched on and you have a working Internet connection.
Once you have logged in and are at the desktop screen find a suitable web viewing program, (etc. Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Netscape)
If this is the first time you have accessed the Internet from your computer the program may advise you to adjust the preferences for the program, also you should set a homepage for the program to start from when next accessed, the best websites to use for this are search engines (google, yahoo etc...) or a website that you are bound to frequent. To do this look for and icon in the shape of a house or familiar and type an active web address into the box provided.

From here you can search the web for a site for whatever you may find interesting, this can be achieved in two ways. First, look to the top of the program screen and click the address bar (will most likely have an address already posted, etc... and enter the address to a website you would like to view remembering to add a www. before the website name and .com afterwards.
Secondly, you can use a web search engine like the two specified above to find a web address.

Also you can setup an email account to send and receive text documents to other Internet users with access to an email account. There are two ways to create an email account, one is to contact your Internet service provider (ISP) and ask them to allocate an email address for you, but this option usually has a cost involved. The cheaper alternative is to use a free web email account best obtained from websites like google and yahoo.

There are also websites dedicated to online news reporting that are often run by the same organisations as the televised news programs. This is a great way to catch up on current events as they unfold, this is achieved by a constantly updating web feed called media streaming.

In addition to this there are websites which allow the user to post a text document on the page where other users can access the information and provide their own response. these websites are known as forums and many websites have an additional page separate from other content for other users to comment on the information within the website.

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